sports dae:D
hmm 2dae dunoe wad cher tinkin..suddenly got alarm
then all mus report 2 de field ....then my skirt all dirted liaox loh
then go home wash abit
then play com..
n prepared de PINIC
i bought alot of sweets n share..
then we c sum events then
after end..
neptune okok la
then rainin
then we walk home in RAIN
tats nice:D
then whoaaa i wettt like hell
lolx...but it feel real great
Friday, 31 March 2006
Thursday, 30 March 2006
Wednesday, 29 March 2006
"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up
a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a
bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the
way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young,
you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young
enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready
for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no
responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend
your last nine months floating... ...and you finish off as an orgasm."
rember tis^^
more abt 2dae..durin eng class
i strongly agree abt wad ms grace sae...
her friend shuld nt abort de babi...
its a life sia..
if i was in her fren shoes
i wil nvr nvr abort
a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a
bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the
way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young,
you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young
enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready
for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no
responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend
your last nine months floating... ...and you finish off as an orgasm."
rember tis^^
more abt 2dae..durin eng class
i strongly agree abt wad ms grace sae...
her friend shuld nt abort de babi...
its a life sia..
if i was in her fren shoes
i wil nvr nvr abort
Tuesday, 28 March 2006
..My horoscope 4 2dae..
Family matters could be tricky, but that won't keep you from getting involved, and possibly being able to solve something that's been ignored for far too long. This ability to mediate will come to you courtesy of the Moon, your own ruling body, who's currently holding court in the heavens above you, sensitizing you in the department of house, home and family. You're equipped to talk anyone into anything at the moment. Why not use it to help heal an age-old wound? At least one. You know you want to.
Family matters could be tricky, but that won't keep you from getting involved, and possibly being able to solve something that's been ignored for far too long. This ability to mediate will come to you courtesy of the Moon, your own ruling body, who's currently holding court in the heavens above you, sensitizing you in the department of house, home and family. You're equipped to talk anyone into anything at the moment. Why not use it to help heal an age-old wound? At least one. You know you want to.
Monday, 27 March 2006
My Horoscope 4 2dae:D
It's no coincidence that emotions have always been your sign's specialty. You know how to express them, no matter where you are or who happens to be watching, because it never occurs to you to hold them back. After all, aren't feelings the best part of being human? Well, that's debatable, from some of our points of view, but at any rate, when a very strong feeling hits you now, admirably, you won't think twice before expressing it. You won't even want to.
It's no coincidence that emotions have always been your sign's specialty. You know how to express them, no matter where you are or who happens to be watching, because it never occurs to you to hold them back. After all, aren't feelings the best part of being human? Well, that's debatable, from some of our points of view, but at any rate, when a very strong feeling hits you now, admirably, you won't think twice before expressing it. You won't even want to.
Saturday, 25 March 2006
2dae when 2 de math remidal..
veri de sianx..lucky 2dae las lesson
then..wan go library de bt no one folo so go home loh..
then went home bath liaox
then at 1pm then sleep until 4 pm..then watch tv
n play computer..
chat wif shimin com
...everydae olso veri sianx..
veri de sianx..lucky 2dae las lesson
then..wan go library de bt no one folo so go home loh..
then went home bath liaox
then at 1pm then sleep until 4 pm..then watch tv
n play computer..
chat wif shimin com
...everydae olso veri sianx..
Friday, 24 March 2006
Thursday, 23 March 2006
Wednesday, 22 March 2006
i tink its true cos i m olso like tat
Cancer, the fourth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this Sign are 'roots' kinds of people and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this Sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them.
The mascot of Cancerians is the Crab, and much like this shelled little critter, Cancerians are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. No wonder these folks are called crabby! For Cancer, it's not that big of a deal, though, since they consider this 'shell' a second home (and they do love home). The flip side of this hiding is that shell-bound Crabs are often quite moody. Further, in keeping with their difficulty in sharing their innermost feelings, it can become a Herculean task to pry a Crab out of its secret hiding place. What to do? Give the Crab time -- eventually these folks will come out to play again. When they do, they'll be the first to say so, in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this Sign. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen. If that still doesn't work, they'll just go back to their shell and sulk, or find a way to get back at the source of their pain, since Crabs can be rather vindictive. That said, any self-respecting Crab would tell you that they are ultimately motivated
Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors? The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancerians have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own. Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this Sign rules the stomach.
The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. It's that nurturing instinct which makes Cancerians a pleasure to be with.
i tink its true cos i m olso like tat
Cancer, the fourth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this Sign are 'roots' kinds of people and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this Sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them.
The mascot of Cancerians is the Crab, and much like this shelled little critter, Cancerians are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. No wonder these folks are called crabby! For Cancer, it's not that big of a deal, though, since they consider this 'shell' a second home (and they do love home). The flip side of this hiding is that shell-bound Crabs are often quite moody. Further, in keeping with their difficulty in sharing their innermost feelings, it can become a Herculean task to pry a Crab out of its secret hiding place. What to do? Give the Crab time -- eventually these folks will come out to play again. When they do, they'll be the first to say so, in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this Sign. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen. If that still doesn't work, they'll just go back to their shell and sulk, or find a way to get back at the source of their pain, since Crabs can be rather vindictive. That said, any self-respecting Crab would tell you that they are ultimately motivated
Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors? The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancerians have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own. Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this Sign rules the stomach.
The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. It's that nurturing instinct which makes Cancerians a pleasure to be with.
More abt my sign CANCER
pls read all of it if u wan 2 noe more abt cancer:D
This constellation's name comes from Latin; cancer means crab. Cancer, along with the constellation Hydra, plays a role in one of the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Cancer is easiest to see in February.
Cancer is protected by the Greek god Hermes. In ancient times, the sun would be in cancer at the time of the summer equinox, but now the summer equinox happens in Gemini. The constellation is located north of the head of the constellation Hydra, which whom it is associated in Greek mythology.
Cancer is the sign for people born between June 22 and July 22.
Symbol: the Crab
Ruling Planet: the Moon
Ruling House: Fourth House
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Keyword: HOME
Date with destiny: Scorpio, Pisces
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: hosting a party
What makes you tick: nostalgia
Fitness forecast: swimming
Play date: redecorating
Perfect jobs: chef, nursery school teacher
Best accessory: hand-knitted scarf
A sure thing: best dish at the potluck
Destination: Orlando
Pleasure: baking, comfort, children
Pain: snide remarks, forgetfulness, crab jokes
What's my line? Home is where the heart is.
pls read all of it if u wan 2 noe more abt cancer:D
This constellation's name comes from Latin; cancer means crab. Cancer, along with the constellation Hydra, plays a role in one of the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Cancer is easiest to see in February.
Cancer is protected by the Greek god Hermes. In ancient times, the sun would be in cancer at the time of the summer equinox, but now the summer equinox happens in Gemini. The constellation is located north of the head of the constellation Hydra, which whom it is associated in Greek mythology.
Cancer is the sign for people born between June 22 and July 22.
Symbol: the Crab
Ruling Planet: the Moon
Ruling House: Fourth House
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Keyword: HOME
Date with destiny: Scorpio, Pisces
Run for the hills: Aries, Libra
Where you glow: hosting a party
What makes you tick: nostalgia
Fitness forecast: swimming
Play date: redecorating
Perfect jobs: chef, nursery school teacher
Best accessory: hand-knitted scarf
A sure thing: best dish at the potluck
Destination: Orlando
Pleasure: baking, comfort, children
Pain: snide remarks, forgetfulness, crab jokes
What's my line? Home is where the heart is.
2dae a veri sad dae...
i reali canot take it
bt they jus wont notice..
they contiue 2 poke mi wif needles
i wanna hav a break..
away frm home n sch...
My horoscope
After days -- or maybe even weeks -- of rooting around, trying to find someone you can truly get close to, you'll be more than happy with today's events. The universe has seen fit to get you connected with someone who'll be able to let their hair down, become truly intimate, and partner up. Ready? Because this is the real thing. Of course, you can't win if you don't play. So, if you know someone who answers this description, make sure you're with them. If you don't, get dressed and prepare to mingle.
i reali canot take it
bt they jus wont notice..
they contiue 2 poke mi wif needles
i wanna hav a break..
away frm home n sch...
My horoscope
After days -- or maybe even weeks -- of rooting around, trying to find someone you can truly get close to, you'll be more than happy with today's events. The universe has seen fit to get you connected with someone who'll be able to let their hair down, become truly intimate, and partner up. Ready? Because this is the real thing. Of course, you can't win if you don't play. So, if you know someone who answers this description, make sure you're with them. If you don't, get dressed and prepare to mingle.
Monday, 20 March 2006
jus discuss sumthin wif shi min
n i found an avater which saes tat
n time = money so
gals= money x money
then they olso mention gals r de root of evil (which make mi veri angry)
gals = squareroot of evil
n TAT so call equation make mi so angry
n i n shi min discuss it n she came out wif de quote below
if gals r de root of evil..bois are the idiots who are willing to waste time on the evils .
tats so cool rite galS???????
jus discuss sumthin wif shi min
n i found an avater which saes tat
n time = money so
gals= money x money
then they olso mention gals r de root of evil (which make mi veri angry)
gals = squareroot of evil
n TAT so call equation make mi so angry
n i n shi min discuss it n she came out wif de quote below
if gals r de root of evil..bois are the idiots who are willing to waste time on the evils .
tats so cool rite galS???????
VERI below thingy...found tis by a blogger...i tink hes rite:D
Difference between confident and arrogant.
Confidence will say, "I can do it".
Arrogance will say, "I can do better than him".
Difference between rich and wealthy.Rich will say, "what is the price of this?"
Wealthy will say, "what is the value of this?"
Difference between a good boss and bad boss.
Good boss, "See how we can get this work."
Bad Boss, "Get to work."
Difference between a good PC and a bad's user.
Difference between a good movie and bad movie.
the price you pay for the tickets and who you watched it with.
Difference between a heaven and hell.
Heaven, you meet lots of people you want to know
Hell, you meet lots of people you already knew
Difference between confident and arrogant.
Confidence will say, "I can do it".
Arrogance will say, "I can do better than him".
Difference between rich and wealthy.Rich will say, "what is the price of this?"
Wealthy will say, "what is the value of this?"
Difference between a good boss and bad boss.
Good boss, "See how we can get this work."
Bad Boss, "Get to work."
Difference between a good PC and a bad's user.
Difference between a good movie and bad movie.
the price you pay for the tickets and who you watched it with.
Difference between a heaven and hell.
Heaven, you meet lots of people you want to know
Hell, you meet lots of people you already knew
2dae got a new comer n her name shuld b wei ling
she abit quiet bt can c her studys veri de GD
2dae math no hmw veri hapi:D
sum bois always suck 2 de core:X
My horoscope 4 2dae
You're in charge -- and if you're not, you'll make whoever is in charge wish you were, just so that they wouldn't have to argue with you about it. It's not that you don't respect authority -- far from it. You just have a very set opinion on how things should go, and when they don't go along that way, you have an equally set opinion on the punishment to be meted out. That said, if you're not 'driving,' at least do your best to be fair-minded to the driver. Oh, and patient, please.
she abit quiet bt can c her studys veri de GD
2dae math no hmw veri hapi:D
sum bois always suck 2 de core:X
My horoscope 4 2dae
You're in charge -- and if you're not, you'll make whoever is in charge wish you were, just so that they wouldn't have to argue with you about it. It's not that you don't respect authority -- far from it. You just have a very set opinion on how things should go, and when they don't go along that way, you have an equally set opinion on the punishment to be meted out. That said, if you're not 'driving,' at least do your best to be fair-minded to the driver. Oh, and patient, please.
Saturday, 18 March 2006

2dae i n wyne n audrey n serene n my tutor HENNY
go take neoprints...nice mah??
lolx...2dae so tired....lolx later then i add on kz??:D
my horoscope 4 2dae
The Moon, your very own ruling body, is in charge of emotions -- and it's currently persuading you, quite successfully, to hibernate -- just for a day or so. So it won't be surprising to find you in the mood for nothing more than staying in, relaxing and maybe doing a bit of puttering around the kitchen cooking in your jammies. Fine, but no one says you have to do it alone. You can invite someone equally home-loving to join you, for a terrific dinner, a romantic video and one of those yummy desserts.
Friday, 17 March 2006
Thursday, 16 March 2006
wad i learnt
-dun always count on others 2 respect ur feelings even if u respect theirs...u can either accept thm or jus walk away
-allow only respectful n caring ppl uinto ur life..
-spend time if ppl hu make u laugh
-dun ever sae bad things abt urself
like tat i tink i gotta leave sum ppl :X lolx jus jkin
-dun always count on others 2 respect ur feelings even if u respect theirs...u can either accept thm or jus walk away
-allow only respectful n caring ppl uinto ur life..
-spend time if ppl hu make u laugh
-dun ever sae bad things abt urself
like tat i tink i gotta leave sum ppl :X lolx jus jkin
lolx 2dae i overslept ....8.30 am then wake up sia
then i faster chiong n bath n fater go meet ivone n joyce..
lolx...then we play v.ball until 10 am then c wyne n shimin n jessle n alot more
cum out frm a math remidal..
then wyne come join us
caroline always like 2 buli mi wor T.T
wan ting abit then elieen veri gd lolxx
then after v.bal
i n agness n n wyne go jp library
then sit at tables n chairs
then we wait 4 serene n vone 2 join us
then we all do hmw..dodo
then later we meet cindy n jaslyn
then go makan then serene go wif her sis
then we go bac libraby bt tis time we sit on floor
luckily we met cindy frens then we share de table lolx
then do until 4.45
then i borrow a book
then take 242
then go home :D
then i faster chiong n bath n fater go meet ivone n joyce..
lolx...then we play v.ball until 10 am then c wyne n shimin n jessle n alot more
cum out frm a math remidal..
then wyne come join us
caroline always like 2 buli mi wor T.T
wan ting abit then elieen veri gd lolxx
then after v.bal
i n agness n n wyne go jp library
then sit at tables n chairs
then we wait 4 serene n vone 2 join us
then we all do hmw..dodo
then later we meet cindy n jaslyn
then go makan then serene go wif her sis
then we go bac libraby bt tis time we sit on floor
luckily we met cindy frens then we share de table lolx
then do until 4.45
then i borrow a book
then take 242
then go home :D
Wednesday, 15 March 2006
My horoscp[e 4 2dae
The heavens are conspiring to bring you even closer to your family, friends, lovers and favorite playmates than you already are -- and that's really saying something. In fact, you could end up in a long heart-to-heart chat with someone you've been dying to make peace with --and whether you're delivering or accepting the apology, you can rest assured that it will hold. Then for the fun part: catching up on old times. See? It's time to start talking.
The heavens are conspiring to bring you even closer to your family, friends, lovers and favorite playmates than you already are -- and that's really saying something. In fact, you could end up in a long heart-to-heart chat with someone you've been dying to make peace with --and whether you're delivering or accepting the apology, you can rest assured that it will hold. Then for the fun part: catching up on old times. See? It's time to start talking.
Tuesday, 14 March 2006
Sunday, 12 March 2006
Saturday, 11 March 2006
Thursday, 9 March 2006
My horoscope 4 2dae
Friends in need aren't new to you -- you tend to attract them. You know it, and you love it. It also doesn't hurt that you're the absolute ultimate nurturer and the trustworthiest of friends. At this particular moment in time, by the way, those traits will be running on high. So no matter who comes to you, even if it's just for a hug, you'll go above and beyond to help -- as usual. Just don't go too far overboard and forget your own needs.
Friends in need aren't new to you -- you tend to attract them. You know it, and you love it. It also doesn't hurt that you're the absolute ultimate nurturer and the trustworthiest of friends. At this particular moment in time, by the way, those traits will be running on high. So no matter who comes to you, even if it's just for a hug, you'll go above and beyond to help -- as usual. Just don't go too far overboard and forget your own needs.
Wednesday, 8 March 2006
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
2dae has mani susprise thingy hapen
n veri pathtic onli 4/25
tis make mi fail 2 subject
math plus geo
at second thought mayb i wil olso fail my pure bio
bt luckily olso pass:D
then i reali hope i can pass my math...
luckily I MANAGED 2 PASS my MATHH n at tat time i wanted 2 cry
nt bcos of saddness bt HAPPINESS
bt i did not do veri well tis term
i goin 2 try try try n SCORE wellllll
n veri pathtic onli 4/25
tis make mi fail 2 subject
math plus geo
at second thought mayb i wil olso fail my pure bio
bt luckily olso pass:D
then i reali hope i can pass my math...
luckily I MANAGED 2 PASS my MATHH n at tat time i wanted 2 cry
nt bcos of saddness bt HAPPINESS
bt i did not do veri well tis term
i goin 2 try try try n SCORE wellllll
Friday, 3 March 2006
My Horoscope 4 2dae
For the past few days, your antennae have been telling you not to make any sudden moves, and that any kind of movement isn't a good idea. Your instinct is rarely wrong, so your best move is probably to sit still, wait, take notes and see what happens. And when someone you care about comes to you to see if they can do anything for you, you might still want to keep quiet. After all, why risk it?
For the past few days, your antennae have been telling you not to make any sudden moves, and that any kind of movement isn't a good idea. Your instinct is rarely wrong, so your best move is probably to sit still, wait, take notes and see what happens. And when someone you care about comes to you to see if they can do anything for you, you might still want to keep quiet. After all, why risk it?
Thursday, 2 March 2006
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