27 of december
4 more days to the end of freaking fast-moving year of 2008 x)
everything moves so fast !
it had all happened in a blink of the eyes
*blink blink*
work was relaxing on 25 december
chefs also joked with us
yesterday was 26 december!
Mel's Birthday
and of course 2nd year anniversary !
cooked edible food for ping(Definitely was able to due to the BIG help of my Mama)
board train to ViVo (at last the mode of transport was train)
walk walk
bought tickets for YESMAN!
full house in every timing available
was lucky that we got the seats for 655pm (last 2 seats~!)
ate in Central (some chinese restaurant )
which services was slow very slow extremely slow
thanks Ping for treating LOLZ
catch the movie

not bad
Jim Carrey
and Zooey Deschanel
Start saying YES to life !
Accept life 's opportunities
a must watch x)
after watchin the movie
walk around and boarded train home
the new train system is real helpful
i guess they should also place a timer
walk home
reach home
Thanks Ping x)
I wont ask for forever
just want us both to be happy together x)
currently having thoughts about Twilight
maybe zooey can play a better Bella in the movie
she look innocent and weak