happy fourth year anniversary!
i cant explain these feelings about you
you happen to be one of the people that brings joy and sorrow to my life.
we fought, laugh and cry together.
understanding your pattern of life and you with mine
its one crazy love
but after all these time
i still love you
my heart said so
i am just scared that things might change between us as we graduate
thinking about us
thinking if our love is really enough
thinking about the future
emoing + pmsing for these few days
i never thought that far before
when it is eventually time to let go
it would really suck
my heart will probably break into pieces
i might go slightly more insane
BUT to let you know
even if that happen....
i am still glad you have been part of my life
part of me
i have love you for a long time
never will i ever forget you.
lets enjoy 26 together :)