Had AJISAN for dinner craved for it spicy chasu ramen
Social network is awesome On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.
:) go catch it !
Friday, 29 October 2010
SNSD (L) Hoot
i am really happy for SHINee 's JongHyun :) and please for god 's sake he is already 21 years old . he have to date someone if he dont date at all, that IS a problem
Saturday, 23 October 2010
got some photos from my aunt and cousin who went to rome recently. envy much much
wish i could go on a getaway lol but not alone
the big bang theory :) america next top model :)
i adore kraftans
today is a saturday! PINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG AH went to eat nasi brani ,pasta and ikea meatballs beef and pork yummy i want to get a mirror $69 after that went to vivo walk around drank gong cha milk tea not very sweet 50% dinner at 9 tou hokkien mee + oyster omelette
i should have bring my camera today! so many good food :(
Friday, 22 October 2010
playful kiss finale so sadd to watch it end i want a season 2 theres will be a special edition on their youtube channel .
i had fun today! thanks to min , huishan and kaiyi!
school is starting soon. very depressing
If I don’t talk to you, it’s just because you’re not talking to me. It’s because I feel like I’m annoying you. So if I stop talking to you, talk to me! It’s not because I wanted to.Unless you’re annoying, then it’s because of that.But believe me, YOU are NOT annoying at all.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
there will be many photos in this post! hahaha must upload everything before school start
first up JYJ SHOWCASE IN SINGAPORE many many fans like the red lights + green lights
and heres my cupcakes that tasted like waffles the first 2 was chao ta . but the remaining was okay LOL learnt how to control my microwave+oven+toaster EDIBLE EDIBLE EDIBLE who else want to try? my birthday presents to ping
2010 2010 2010 a warm and sunny day the haze didnt seem to clear today we headed to MALAYSIA first time we only went to city square hahaha SAFETY FIRST. java chip from starbucks window shopping shilin for lunch and a movie! the theatre was under CATHAY AND AND AND the movie ticket was only like RM6 which is like less than S$3 great deal so we watched BURIED
i was pretty excited when i first saw the trailer but after watching, i realised the movie is abit tooo boring for me because for the entire 1 hour plus . its jus ryan in the coffin calling for help through the cellphone only him i wish theres was more intensity maybe putting 2 person in the coffin works better and it was a bad ending he died and i want a good ending that can be continued LOL
did some shopping it is really hard for me to like a pair of sandals lucky me i saw one that can replace my brown sandal :) happy me he got something too though i thought he would like to get moreeeee. dinner NANDO PERI PERI CHICKEN no quenue at all . different as compared to singapore and i prefer singapore 's one even more Yummy sausages (L)
after our dinner , we headed back to custom. i got like 10 missed calls from my mummy and daddy. they were pretty worried . I AM SORRY! went to bukit panjang retrive his vespa and we got home :) new tyres
I LOVE YOU hope you enjoyed your day
LOVE DAVEDAYS better than justin bieber personal opinion
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
I think I am falling in love with asos.com .
Monday, 18 October 2010
i am craving for pancakes
gain and jokwon wedding photos
something about love David Archuleta
Every night it’s all the same You’re frozen by the phone You wait, something’s changed You blame yourself every day You’d do it again Every night
There’s something ’bout love That breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love That tears you up Whoa oh oh oh You still believe When the world falls down like the rain It’ll bring you to your knees There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh… But don’t give up There’s something ’bout love
When you were young Scared of the night Waiting for love to come along And make it right Your day will come, the past is gone So take your time And live and let live
There’s something ’bout love That breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love That tears you up Whoa oh oh oh You still believe When the world falls down like the rain It’ll bring you to your knees There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart David Archuleta Something About Love lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/david-archuleta-something-about-love-lyrics.html Whoa oh oh oh… But don’t give up There’s something ’bout love
Don’t fight Don’t hide Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes) Let em’ shine tonight Let em’ shine tonight
Hang on Hang in For the ride of your life It’s gonna be alright Hold on tight
There’s something ’bout love That breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh
There’s something ’bout love That breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love That tears you up Whoa oh oh oh You still believe When the world falls down like the rain It’ll bring you to your knees (to your knees) There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart Whoa oh oh oh… But don’t give up There’s something ’bout love
Whoa oh oh oh.. Set’s you free There’s something bout love That tears you up Whoa oh oh oh You still believe When the world falls down like the rain
Sunday, 17 October 2010
sunday! watched wgm :) gain n jokwon waited for him to come ride to vivo city (as usual lol ) dinner first carls junior i like the beef chili fries BEEFY beef bacon fries softdrink pickles fattening much lol i can finish the burger if i only eat the patty after that went to browse in the shops and thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn catch the movie the switch! its a romantic comedy "The film features Aniston as Cassie, a single woman living in New York who decides to have a baby by way of artificial insemination, despite the objections of her neurotic best friend, Wally (Bateman). Wally quickly becomes jealous of the handsome and charismatic donor she has selected (played by Watchmen’s Patrick Wilson), and in a drunken stupor, substitutes his own sperm in place of Wilsons’. Seven years later, he meets his son when Aniston moves back to New York, and has to decide how to reconcile himself to the situation" its just so so. only some parts are funny
we are always damn lucky the vespa dont like us lol one of the wheel punctured today because of the rough road so suay luckily theres ping's daddy haha HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY
yesterday was a great first experience! before that went to bugis to walk around all of us did some sins lol wanton mee for dinner headed to meet mel and his friends see giving us tickets is good .haha so mani tickets went to jyj showcase at expo it was a roller coaster! lol. when joyce and vone cant find their tickets scary but nice fan girls still exist and return them i only know one song and one guy mickey! kanye west is using them to spread his songs and rap to asia! ;( hahahah xp
I miss talking to you everyday. What happened between us? Did I stop talking or did you? As each day kept passing by, did I ever cross your mind? Looking back now, I’ve realised how long it’s been. I wonder why we stopped talking. Did we run out of things to say to each other? Have we replaced each other? I just miss our friendship.
good luck to my spian friends ! school reopen tomorrow !
Friday, 15 October 2010
ana and liz is my favourite contestantS
america's next top model season 15 lol i feel so fat looking at them
i have high hopes on ann 185cm penelope tree wannabe!
i am a happy girl :) season 4 of the big bang theory is out haha SHELDON (L)
Thursday, 14 October 2010
tomatoe juice carrot juice stingray ( i think i like stingray a lot) vege claypotrice icekachang
today went to malaysia i did leg massage :) had starbuck 's java chip wonderful dinner
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
off to malaysia in a while
i cant believe serena chose tripp over nick in season 3 eps 11 o m g
the worst feeling in life
◦crying yourself to sleep. ◦being extremely happy just to have someone ruin it. ◦not sneezing when you were just about to. ◦getting bad news on a good day. ◦having your period on a special day. ◦feeling sick the entire day. ◦headaches. ◦being embarrassed in front of your friends. ◦having low self esteem the whole day. ◦being ignored. ◦being alone because you don’t know anyone. ◦having your plans ruined. ◦discovering the person you like likes someone else. ◦someone falling out of love with you
first part of haz's celebration! TOP ONE SINGING from 11am to 530pm haz on phone with aud! :)