Thursday, 27 July 2006

Weathering is the decay ,breakdown and alternation of rocks ,on or beneath the earth 'surface and it involves the disinterestedly or decomposition of rocks in situ where they are found is the wearing away of rocks by moving agents like running water,moving ice and water and works jointly with the process of transportation to move the eroded material to other pieces are weathered rocks either physically altered or chemically altered.
physical weathering is the disinterestedly of rocks into smaller figment by physical force are broken down into smaller pieces as a result of stress,without any Chang to their chemical compositionally effective in areas which have -little vegetation-a large diurnal range of temperature(20 to 30)-temperature fluctuating around 0 degree Celsius
block interrogation (dessert)hot arid regions experience a great daily temperature(20 to 30) very hot in the day very cool at night's enable bare rock surfaces alternately heated and colled heat cause expansion coolin cause contraction therefore joints or factures are form in the break into coarse and angular blocks
frost shattering(effective in well jointed rocks; dominant in cold temperate regions and of moutain tops)on warm days,ice melts and water and water enters the cracks and joints in rocks.when temperature drop to below freezing point at night,the water turns into ice and its volume expands by about ten percent.As the ice expands,it exerts pressure on the sides of the cracks and joints in the rocks,causing the cracks and joints to be enlarged and deepened .As the temperature rises again , the ice melts thus releasing the pressure on the sides of the cracks and joints in the rocks.Throught out the day,more water may seep into cracks and joints and the entire freeze-thaw action is repeated and eventually shatter the rocks,causin them to break into smaller angular pieces .these shattered rocks collect at he foot of moutains as scree.
uploading(pressure release)(exfoliation)rock formed beneath earth's surface in a slightly compressed sate.Over time ,the overlying rocks are eroded ,this reduces the pressure on the underlying rock and expand in volume.Joints or factures form in the rock and large slabs of streets of rock breakaway from the parent rock .This process of unloading rsults in dome-like features cakked exfoliation dome.
salt wedging or crytallisationwater seep into cracks and joints in rock as water contain dissolved salt upon evaporation,it will leave behind salt crystals.More crystals form and existing ones growing size and exert pressure on the sides of the cracks and joints,causing the rocks to disintergrate and break up into wedges eventually
chemical weathering(small annual temperature range(3to 5)high precipitation(200mm to 3000m))is the decomposition of rocks due to changes to their chemical composition.The result may be as simple as a change in their colour or an alternation in the mineral composition or it could be a complete chemical break down leading to the total disintegration of the rocks.water is essential for chemical reaction to take place..water is an important element in chemical weatheringhot humid area like the tropic2.5 increase in chemical reaction for every increase in 10 degre c temperature.high humidity and rainfall allows it to be effective
carbonation or solutiondeepened joints grikesseries of block clintskarst carbonation on limestone
hydrolysis take place when water reacts with the minerals in rocks minerals composition changes and rocks are weakened and fall apart into finer particlesgranite contain feldspar,mica and quartzkaolin(finer particles or product)hydrolysis of granite results in the decomosition of feldspar to form kaolin which crumbles easily,weakening the rock and causing it to break downHydration is the absorption of water by minerals in the rocks This can lead to the swelling,producing stress in the rocks and weakening them.eventually leads to the disinterestedly of the rocksoxidation takes place when rocks react chemically with oxygen in the airiron-reddish-brown and creates a rusting effect on rocks .oxidised disintegrate readily,rock structure have been weakened+hydrolysis
spheroidal weatheringmagma cools and solidifies,it forms rocks that are jointed.Rainwater passing through the rock makes it way along the joints present in the rock.Rock weather on all surfaces and becomes rounded as the minerals dissolve into water.Over time,the weathered layer thickens and the core diminishes and become more rounded.Whenthe weathered material is washed away,the core is exposed.these spheroidal rocks are known as core stones.
biological weathering(tropic regions with an abundant vegetation)due to activities of plants and animalsbiological -physical weathering.roots of trees penetate rocks by growin into cracks and joints exert a considerable force rocks break apart enlarges the space and allow more surface area for other weathering process to take place and allow more water to enterthe rocksprotective cover.
biological -chemical weatheringproduce organic acids which react with minerals in rocks and cause the rocks the decompose.carbonic acid is formed. weaken rocks and causes them to break down.

^^ this is alot rite?? i TYPE IT ALL MAN..tml got 3 test......T.T

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