at first not going to kathlyn b-dae bbq party
de...but when we wan giv serene kath b-dae pressie..
we was persuade......therefore still end up goin-.-
wel..too bad jess mus go out with her parents T.T...
we jiu sit mrt to there...pathetic 58 min journey..
in between was fun..electric shock and i TOU PAI >.<

from left to right : yi long shang jie yile and serene
finally after waiting for the slowest bus 408 in the world...
we arrived at kath chalet
we meet cheryl there
then audrey and ivone started photo fantasy!
snap snap snap

of course they dun notice i m taking their picture
while they are havin a fun time

cheryl running away from them
but HAHS i got her pic :X

took main lead photo
she sae she still abit angry with us X(
but o well..we came didnt we?

family portait of cheryl family..
stupid boy there!

SERENE giving a miss singapore pose X)
i started to take pictures with yile(using her phone) ,kathlyn ,hazel ,denise and serene..
vone and audrey dunwan take T.T

bbq havent start..
am very hungry>.<
haizz so i eat otahs~~~

shangjie helping kath dad
hmm so while we
was waiting
we go to the beach X)

what are you looking at??

yile serene and ivone
doing whatever they are doing >.<

eveyone was so high only one particular men -.-

yile and ivone
closing their eyes
enjoying the breeze
and wishing?

everyone doing different stuff

ivone writing something?

the word emo is written by me...
see tis is emo^^

serene carrying denise

serene and kathlyn
acting out a drama

audrey writing hello


food was cooked
and the feast starts!

o? why is shangjie much shorter?

helping out

nice colour of charcoal

eave at 745 pm
810++ then bus came X(
mrt come sit sit sit..slp
and kana abuse X( by audrey
she keep biting me..
then at clementi...y so got fate lei?
saw laopo X)
then walk home~~~
then laopo olso abuse me T.T
i became biting instrument isit?
my arm all bitemarks X(
then laopo nvm de!
dunoe wad to wear...........
hope its a fun day!
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