just now went to celebrate mother day !!
6 plus jiu go out le..
i was so idiotic in tis picture

went to jp
waiting for mumi to arrive
went to jp and walk around
but >.< not very intersted in MAN CLOTHES !!!
bought some sushi to eat
make myself less hungy (nvr eat my lunch )
then mumi arrived and we went there le
here are some snap shots i took of my family members

this drink taste so weird
but hey..its my fave colour X)
comes with the set meal (pirates of the carribean?)
quite exp .>.<
i finished my food!!!
my bro havent eat finish neh

took snapshots of my dad n mum
while waiting for the ice cream!!
after that
jiu pay bill
okie..maybe its quite cheap compare to other time we ate
but ?? not sure
after that go walkwalk in jp..
well...my bro have a very very good appetite!!
still can eat while the rest of us are full
he went to buy some more sushi and eat!!
then we 4 walk home
waa...long time...
never chat with each other le
chat abt our lives
-my brother's teacher
-my mum boss
-plann of helpin ppl take care their children
1 child for each to take care ?
-my brother and i the marriage thingy
-what happen if my parents die
-whats de difference between old love and puppy love
-nxt yr i taking the place of my parents to my bro's "parents& teachers meeting"
-i being fat -.-
hilarious X)
today is the best family outin X)
tml need to go school.........
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