woke up abt 56 mins ago
this post should be quite long
since i only have some pictures to show the "thousands words"
thanks simping
used up A LOT of your money
next time will repay de x)
yesterday x)
morning meet with simping
and he is sweating like mad x(
gave me a sketchbook
told me to put in my home first
why cant i read first ?
walk to jurong point
play in arcade
remember the machine in pasirris ?
played and waste $5 .(the worst is thats mostly not my money)
played for 2 rounds
got some sweets
then have to go watch movie
free 16 oz drink -.-
penguins are so so so so adorable
one part of the movie is hilarious
is when cody tells the camera crew that his first battle is so
exciting that people would rewind it serveral time
and indeed they did
but it just shows cody falling down from his surfboard
i thinked i laughed quite loud x(
but its funny to me ><
nice movie despite it being abit childish
after the movie
head back to arcade
and continue playing
not bad wor the prizes
even though $8 plus
its fun x)
there would surely be a next time

then head to vivocity
at first thought was goin to punggol -.-
ate lunch at longjohnsilver
took this picture
his pose seem .that he wanting to unleash his evil side xp

jiu bought sentosa ticket
first time take express train to sentosa
we went to dolphin lagoon first
but wrong start
head back to beach station
went to underwaterworld
LUCKILY got offer x)
all marine life animals are so cute! x)
expecially the sea angel .transparent body red organs x)
sharks x)
the living fossil sections
is the best . all of the fish is gigantic
if i am allowed to carry one of them
i dont think i am able to even lift them
they must go on a diet !

explored the underwaterworld
jiu went to a beach somewhere
a pity he cant play x(
cos he wear until very formal
dig sand dig sand
buried a stick x)
can we still find this stick in a couple of years later?
jiu go dolphin lagoon
a LOT of people ..
but still get to see pink dolphin
saw a peacock too
headed back to vivocity
so eat
and waste some of the food.
too full / bloated
but simping got help me eat some x)
thanks thanks thanks
head to the top
sorry x(
i thought it contain a lizard or something
THANKS REAL MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

kinda dark
heres x)
9pm head back
took MRT
walk back .
give haykel his handphone.
took too many pictures with that handphone
and some i look horribly ugly x(
reach home
bath finish everything le
then read the sketchbook
cried abit
cos it is worth crying about
very touching very nice
i love that gift
noticed that i like presents that is prepared by their own self
THX real much!!!!
thx so much for yesterday
i am really
blessed to have him beside me
not forgetting my ke ai de friends x)
not forgetting my dramatic family
printed timetable
packed books
preparing to watch hana yori dango
hope everyone is happy
kai xin
real geniuses smile
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