Saturday, 3 April 2010

since i am over-ly bored with no one to talk to
no more shows to watch

just looking at a bear trying to catch salmon or fishes
salmons swim uphill for your information
dont ask me why

its april
so i shall now reflect on my new year resolution that i have made
(though it may be slightly early )
see whether i have followed the rules

1.i shall no longer daydream i could be 165 cm . Thus concentrating on slimming down is a must!
NO MORE KFC i cant find any excuses for myself . i still dine in kfc . :D
but but but i have officially stop long john silver so does that count?
give me more time !

2. Find a freaking cure for my acne or take care of my skin
i want good skin real badly.
it is one of the reasons why i feel inferior

YEAH.i am controlling my acne problem. Not as much pimple outbreaks like before. just a few here and there.
i guess i will be spending more money on skincare
i want to remove my blackheads P E R M A N T L Y
furthermore i am trying out garnier roller to remove my panda eyes
might have to wait for one month or so to see its effect.

3. Motivations for study
always wish for good grades

GPA for this sem is okay. just that the cumulative gpa kills because of second sem .

4. Spend less money & save more
I shall make it a pattern to save $2 dollar to $5 dollar a day
and only window shopping.
unless its some thing i gotta have. die die must have

have been proven a fact that its too hard for me.i am crazy. i make a shopping list in my mind or when i dont make any. i go out , saw something i like ,i will just buy it LOL which usually its not something i need or in my shopping list. Perhaps going out lesser is a better idea ? but theres online blog shop and websites . HELP

5. Good attachment job

LOL. Okay . Going to change company(still unknown to which) but erm. Afamosa is quite okay in some sense that its a big big big company.

6. Grow my hair
Okay. i know it does sound strange because i been wanting to cut my hair
and i am always telling my friends that i am so gonna cut my hair
pure laziness till i drag and drag the date
and now its new year
hair cuts are more expensive
and january will be a super uber busy month
(which means i will have to drag till febuary)
prices will increase yet again and i will shy away .
i shall grow my hair long long long long long if i can ever take it.

Yes.the hair is still growing and i havent had a hair cut in months . my fringe is able to cover my whole face. YIPPIE hahahaah

7. Be freaking happy with my bud buds .
everyone have to learn how to treasure and appreciate so people will also do that in return

(L) still in love with all my buds buds
my sec school that i just meet recently
and my poly though i dont know when we can meet and been missing out too much due to my malaysia trip

8. Let everything be okay . Peace V
"Too many of us stay walled because we are too afraid to care too much. For fear that the other person may not care as much, or at all. "

still hoping. i only had 2 quarrel . only 2 each with 2 person within this four months but now i guess its beyond repair or it just take time .

9. Will never settle for less anymore.
"Sometimes love isn't about how much someone suits you, but how much you're willing to change to suit them."

we are still together . like its of any big deal . hes someone (an opposite sex without being related by blood) that i am way too comfortable with . been together for 3 years and a few months and still counting. a track record. he brings me laughter and sadness. but o well, what can i expect? he isnt the romantic kind or caring kind of boyfriend. its all in a bundle(take all or leave all) and i am glad hes still by my side. both of us are independent in our relationship which may or may not be a threat .i am always sure he can find a better and prettier girl (he has a bigger wider social circle than i do) but hes still stuck with me .:D
i said goodbye to singlehood a long time ago.

10. I love nice people so please let more into my life

met some really awesome nice people during my trip to malacca. nice housemates, nice colleague and nice managers. protecting us and cooks for us when we are starving . :D

11. Let me be a better person (L)

still am a nice person . :D constantly improving . and i have become more independent as quoted from my mumi

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