Saturday, 31 March 2007

2dae went out with Audrey aka boiboi :P
well..vone cant join us..dunoe what reasons..
then the res either is cca or too tired?
wu suo wei..
went to jp then woodland then cck then jp !!
well bought some stuff :X
and take neoprint..
well 2 person take abit exp $8 of the neoprint also got to enter a contest...

theme FUNNY guess which one? :D
once at woodland second at lot 1..
:Dlalaaaaaaaaachit chat alot.....gossip
?haha....if u got bad things to sae...jiu too bad lohh!



fun 2dae but....
got some accident
paiseh :D..
.but nvm..
:D last stop yl join us......walk home 2gether!!!!!!
now huse empty..
nid go buy dinner >.<

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