Saturday, 10 February 2007

life changes as it goes through alot of stuffs...good ones..n de bad ones
eveyone changes...even if they sae they nvr...
in their hearts they noe de real answer..
i have change...past doesnt matter...PRESENT is what i cherish..
regrets are always too late..sometimes even regrets are wrong ...
some things was wrong before it even started..
wat hurts most is being too close..
promises sometime prove to be ineffective..
what matter most is your heart...your feelings
comparison between stuff is okay..but comparison between living objects just
prove to be very hurtful...
once i noe de truth.....i m goin 2 change de truth...
i would onli be in de background of everyone 's life...
i was never anithin special ...i will never ever b special..
i m myself..not a doll for anyone to control..
i dunwanna hurt myself again...
how can you ever possible hold something that badly wants to leave?..

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